You’re in the right place. Under-supported by your current care team?
I’ll help you advocate for the higher-quality care that you deserve. Frustrated by the lack of experience with your diagnosis amongst nutritionists?
I feel ya! None of that here! Tired of convincing yourself that you’re not exhausted and sad by your limited diet?
Let’s explore that together… Worried about how your disease might affect your nutrition?
Here to help! Feeling like your nutrition-related concerns are being brushed aside?
BEEN there! Like you just KNOW there's a nutrition-related hang-up that's making fatigue harder?
I can support you. Curious about what’s down the road for you with IBD?
Let’s get the nutrition piece figured out together. Exhausted trying to figure out what’s real for you in all the IBD nutrition-noise?
I can help! Looking for a place where your nutrition needs are no longer ignored?
Let's talk. Like you need to think about nutrition for the longhaul with IBD?
Let me help you. Hopeful to find expert-support with your medical diet
You’ve found it…
I invite you to re-think telehealth, and consider me your contract dietitian-for-hire. I’m here to walk with you, even between appointments, to support you as you build useful skills and confidence in your nutrition; not to triage a problem and send you on your way. No quick-fixes or band-aids.
You’ll leave with solutions and decision-making skills unique to your life for your IBD!
You want the latest, greatest practices in IBD nutrition research? You got it! I aim to give each patient a snapshot of what nutrition care looks like through the spectrum of IBD: from active disease to thriving in remission and all the in-between. We talk through it all.
I aim for a food-first approach, making sure that your diet is nutritionally optimized to promote both anti-inflammation while supporting your symptoms for a better quality of life. Since supplements are sometimes needed for IBD, I teach you how to advocate for nutrition-related lab draws from your established GI care team: which ones, and how often to request them. Then, I go as in-depth as you’d like once we get your lab results, and I recommend safe supplements based on data. I never, ever profit off of patients’ nutritional deficiencies by partnering with supplement companies, so you can feel at ease knowing that your best interest is my primary motivation.

Let's start with a 30-minute complimentary discovery session so we can meet!As much as you’re comfortable sharing about your nutrition-related hurdles and what your IBD journey has looked like, I’m here for it all. Then, I’ll highlight different solutions and services that I can provide that would most benefit you, so you can make a choice on what feels right for you. If I feel like another dietitian would be a stronger fit for you, I’ll recommend them during this conversation as well, so you can move forward making the best, most informed decision for your care.
Once you decide you’d like to move forward with working together, you’ll receive an invite to a virtual HIPAA-protected portal where we'll schedule a 60-minute initial, thorough nutrition assessment. I might ask for more data points, like what your life looks like through food, so I can tailor recommendations to fit seamlessly into your life. Based on your unique disease location, severity, and anatomy, we’ll likely need nutrition-related labs from your GI team. Every part of onboarding helps me craft a clear path forward for you.
Based on your initial assessment, I'll outline a nutrition strategy for you, and we'll set goals together based on how you’d like to see nutrition care help you. Then, I’ll get to work behind the scenes, crafting nutrition solutions that are individualized for YOU, and I’ll help you out in-between sessions via chat so that you’re getting the most from our time together. Nutrition care is an art and a science, and I have found that people who are collaborative also feel supported and are successful in achieving their nutrition-related goals. I’m with you every step of the way!
You’ll leave my care with a custom and thoughtfully-curated nutrition road-map that covers the bases of all that we discussed together, which you can reference as a manual at any point in your unique disease journey to help guide you. At the conclusion of our time, you will have a firmer understanding of your nutrition solutions in your body, in the context of your IBD. More specifically, you’ll:
know what contributes to your symptoms and what doesn’t
have your own resources tailored to your needs
understand how to nourish yourself along the spectrum of IBD
be able to make choices that are best for you, even eating outside of your own home
feel confident expanding your diet to support anti-inflammation from a place of safety

Maybe you’ve tried some nutrition hacks for your symptoms, and you’ve got the handle on some IBD basics, but you just need to know what’s real, and you feel like maybe you’re not getting the most from your GI care team: let’s separate nutrition fact from fiction, and let’s make it applicable for you in the context of your life. Allow me to come alongside you for 3 months and help you implement nutrition strategies that can make your life bigger (not smaller) with IBD in a way that’s practical, sustainable, and supportive for your body through personalized nutrition. Plus, I’ll give you some useful skills to become a solid advocate within your existing GI care team..
3 months of HIPAA-protected one-on-one nutrition counseling and back-end support, which includes 6.0 hours total minutes of face-to-face time.
You’re welcome to split sessions into 30-minute increments for follow-ups (but we cover a lot of information in the first session, so let’s keep that one the whole hour!)
Consistent, unlimited access to secure chat communication for your questions, lab reviews, or care coordination (within 2 business days for a reply)
A summary of your visits with complementary resources, access to recipes, and more
Communication with your care team as needed
You’ll leave with a customized nutrition roadmap…it’s so much more than a meal plan. There’s nothing like it, and it’s truly tailor made for you. You can come back to it for years to come, no matter what IBD looks like.
Payment plans available upon request
If you’re searching for one-to-one nutrition guidance where I can offer you high-level, longterm support and walk you through impactful nutrition tools for IBD, this is your best bet. From active disease flaring to thriving away in remission, or anywhere in the grey area in-between, I can offer you impactful, practical nutrition strategies to improve your symptoms, support your health for the long-haul and help you accomplish what’s possible with IBD in the context of your body and lifestyle. Let me help your life get a little bigger, using evidence-based and practical nutrition solutions that you won’t find anywhere else.
6 months of HIPAA-protected one-on-one nutrition counseling and back-end support, which includes 8 total hours of face-to-face time
You’re welcome to split sessions into 30-minute increments for follow-ups (but we cover a lot of information in the first session, so let’s keep that one the whole hour!)
Consistent access to secure chat communication with your RD for your questions, lab reviews, or care coordination (within 2 business days for a reply)
Communication with your care team as needed
A summary of your visits with complementary resources, recipes, and more
You’ll leave with an individualized nutrition manual that I create for you between sessions using the data we discover about your body coupled with my expertise. There’s nothing else like it, and it’s yours to keep at the end of our time together. You can use it for years to come, no matter what IBD looks like.
You train for marathons and intense physical events, so why would surgery be treated differently? If you’d like to know more about how to nutritionally prepare your body for surgery and the main event (healing!), while transitioning safely into a pattern of eating that supports and celebrates your quality of life after surgery and beyond, let’s talk!
I have extensive training and experience in nutrition for IBD surgeries: from diverting/permanent ostomy, to all 3 stages of j-pouch, to resections, I’m here to help you feel confident in eating safely and strategically with your new anatomy while keeping your strong for all the life that awaits after recovery and beyond.
3-6 months of back-end nutrition support and communication for surgery, which includes 6-8 total hours of face-to-face time:
1-2 hours of nutrition counseling prior to surgery
4-6 hours of nutrition counseling after surgery, up to 6 months after surgery Medical nutrition supplementation delivered to you for pre-op and post-op
A customized nutrition manual with a clear path forward. You can bring this with you to the hospital, and it’ll serve you as you heal.
Secure chat communication for your questions, lab reviews, or care coordination between sessions (within 2 business days for a reply)
Custom meal recommendations and recipes to help you safely expand your diet after surgery
Communication with your care team as needed
A summary of your visits with complementary resources

Hi, I’m Stacey!
I’m a Registered Dietitian Nutritionist (RDN), speaker, and educator helping people like you with Crohn’s disease, ulcerative colitis, and other Inflammatory Bowel Diseases (IBD) find nutrition solutions that support your quality of life. I believe that solid nutrition is one that fits into YOUR life, and you won’t find that on a forum, on a handout, or on a laundry list of foods to avoid from an online self-help guru with your same diagnosis. And I believe that you deserve better.
frequently asked questions
Unfortunately, I do not accept insurance, because they have a tendency to dictate how I can provide care. However, I’m happy to provide a Superbill for you at the conclusion of our time together for you to submit to your insurance provider- I have typically seen insurance companies reimburse 30-60% depending on the insurance company!
I am trained in both nutrition interventions and monitoring, which requires >1 session for best outcomes. However, on a limited basis, I am able to offer nutrition coaching through 90-minutes of assessment, plus 90-minutes of personalized deliverables.
There is no one right way: Send them directly to my website, encourage them to book a complimentary call with me to see if we’re a good fit, or have them contact me directly. All modes ensure we connect!
It’s your time that you’re paying for, and you know your body best. I respect that by allowing you to pick the schedule of follow-ups, or we can schedule them one-at-a-time. I aim to make our time together as simple as possible given the complexity of IBD.
This depends on what your body needs, and we will use data to figure that out together. I do recommend getting as much nutrition as possible from your diet though, and I’ll help ensure nutritional adequacy of your eating pattern! I will never, ever profit off of any supplements I recommend.
While research suggests that certain nutrition interventions can decrease inflammation, help mucosal healing, and improve quality of life, there is no cure. As a patient myself, I value honesty, and I’ll never make claims that are untrue. Nutrition isn’t the cause of IBD; it can’t be the cure.
While surgery doesn't always allow for an ideal timeline...ideally 30-60 days before your scheduled surgery is when we should plan your first nutrition assessment. This allows enough time for me to help you advocate for micronutrient repletion if it is needed and get your body READY to heal from surgery
Discounts are available for students, young adults (<26), retiring adults (>65), and families who work in healthcare, the military (including spouses), and education.
Monthly payment plans are available upon request, yes!
I do curate meal plans, rooted in science, tailored to each individual’s preferences, aversions, culture, and family dynamics. I create associated grocery lists, and I help you learn ingredient swaps that are supportive of your symptoms with IBD. No 2 people that i’ve worked with have the same meal plan, because IBD nutrition is individualized. For these reasons, you won’t find a generic meal plan here.