Stacey Collins, MA, RDN/LD Stacey Collins, MA, RDN/LD

Attendee, virtual webinar for people who have IBD

Stacey is a brilliant educator who understands both the science and the lived experience. But more importantly, this [webinar] is an empowering tool for a population living with an illness that can often feel disempowering.

- Virtual webinar attendee

Stacey is a brilliant educator who understands both the science and the lived experience. But more importantly, this [webinar] is an empowering tool for a population living with an illness that can often feel disempowering.

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Stacey Collins, MA, RDN/LD Stacey Collins, MA, RDN/LD

Attendee, virtual webinar for people who have IBD

[Stacey has] specialized in this specific content and also has personal experience. [She is] very engaging and comfortable and positive and very good at making people feel ok with where they are in their experience…it was so enjoyable!

- Virtual webinar attendee

[Stacey has] specialized in this specific content and also has personal experience. [She is] very engaging and comfortable and positive and very good at making people feel ok with where they are in their experience…it was so enjoyable!

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Paige Lyon | Digital Designer for FlyDog Digital Paige Lyon | Digital Designer for FlyDog Digital

University Student, The University of Central Oklahoma

Her presentation helped me realize that I was not the only one that does not fully understand our healthcare system…and highlighted the fact how important it is to advocate.

- University Student, The University of Central Oklahoma

“Her presentation helped me realize that I was not the only one that does not fully understand our healthcare system…and highlighted the fact how important it is to advocate.”
- University Student, The University of Central Oklahoma

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Paige Lyon | Digital Designer for FlyDog Digital Paige Lyon | Digital Designer for FlyDog Digital

University Student, The University of Central Oklahoma

[One] thing I loved from her lecture was how she brought to our attention that we can advocate for ourselves and our loved ones by writing to our representatives and senators…tell our story, paint a picture of how a change in a bill would help our family…

- University Student, The University of Central Oklahoma

“[One] thing I loved from her lecture was how she brought to our attention that we can advocate for ourselves and our loved ones by writing to our representatives and senators…tell our story, paint a picture of how a change in a bill would help our family…”
- University Student, The University of Central Oklahoma

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