RECIPE: Vanilla Berry-Kiwi Chia Seed Pudding

1 C yogurt of choice (can add a splash of vanilla extract for flavor if you want!)
small splash of almond milk
(a very official measurement amount)
1/4 C chia seeds
1/2 C raspberries
1/2 C blackberries
1/2 C strawberries
1/2 C kiwi, peeled and sliced

Mix kiwi, blackberries, and splash of almond milk in a medium-large mixing bowl.

  1. Once mixed(ish), stir 1 C yogurt into mixture

  2. Add chia seeds and stir some more

  3. Pour in glass container and refrigerate overnight.

  4. Enjoy a serving for breakfast (about 1/2 cup), topped with favorite granola

When you wake up in the morning, this should be your view:

I know it doesn’t look all that appetizing, but it is. Oh. It is. Promise.

Serving sizes: about 1/2 of what is pictured here in the bowl, about ~3/4 C


RECIPE: Peanut Butter Cinnamon Granola


RECIPE: Maple Vanilla Granola Recipe (GF)